Cottage Grove Speedway
Cottage Grove Speedway Awards Banquet Saturday, November 24th
The 2018 season has sadly come to an end and the only thing left to do is PARTY!!
The 2018 awards banquet will once again be held at the Cottage Grove Elks Lodge. This year the food will be catered by Big Stuff BBQ and will include Beef or Pork Sandwiches along with Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, and Macaroni & Cheese. There is a full no host bar on site as well.
Doors will open at 5:30pm and dinner will start at 6:30 with awards and prizes to follow. Then we will head over to the Cottage Bowl for some "friendly" competition and more prizes!!
We invite all registered drivers to be our guest at no charge for this event. All others are $25.00 which includes the bowling!
Please RSVP no later than November 16th to Heather at 541-729-8666.
I hope to see you all there for one last 2018 hoorah!!
Submitted By: Heather Boyce